Sunday, January 18, 2015


Renewable Energy Technologies is one of the category fall under Green Technologies. Which it can obtained from natural resources that can be constantly replenished like: BioEnergy, Geothermal Energy, Hydro-power, Ocean Energy, Solar Energy, and Wind Energy. With applying Renewable Energy Technologies, we hope it could reduce the environmentally damaging.

What is Renewable Energy Technologies?

As per our understanding, most renewable energy resources is comes either direct or indirectly from the sun. Sunlight, or we so called "Solar Energy", it can be used for direct heating or lighting homes and buildings. Solar Energy could be use for generate electricity, water heating, solar cooling and a variety of commercial industrial uses.
The sun's heat also drives the winds, Winds Energy, is captured with wind turbines. Then, the winds and the sun's heat cause water to evaporate. When this water vapor turns into rain or snow and flows downhill into rivers or streams, its energy can be captured using hydroelectric power.
Along with the rain and snow, sunlight causes plants to grow. The organic matter that makes up those plants is known as BioEnergy. Bio-Energy can be used to produce electricity, transportation fuels, or chemicals. The use of biomass for any of these purposes is called bioenergy.
Hydrogen also can be found in many organic compounds, as well as water. It's the most abundant element on the Earth. But it doesn't occur naturally as a gas. It's always combined with other elements, such as with oxygen to make water. Once separated from another element, hydrogen can be burned as a fuel or converted into electricity.
Not all renewable energy resources come from the sun. Geothermal energy taps the Earth's internal heat for a variety of uses, including electric power production, and the heating and cooling of buildings. And the energy of the ocean's tides come from the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun upon the Earth. 
In fact, ocean energy comes from a number of sources. In addition to tidal energy, there's the energy of the ocean's waves, which are driven by both the tides and the winds. The sun also warms the surface of the ocean more than the ocean depths, creating a temperature difference that can be used as an energy source. All these forms of ocean energy can be used to produce electricity.

Renewable Energy Technologies - SIRIM Malaysia

Malaysia as one of the country's leading energy and environmental technology research institutes, we welcomed the industrial and organizations in Malaysia to apply renewable energy technologies into their businesses. SIRIM Malaysia conducts strategic research and development of innovative technologies that support national economic growth by finding ways to mitigate climate change and ensure a clean environment. SIRIM is here ready to assist you, provide training, and services for environmental friendly development.


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